FREE ZOOM Educational Classes

FREE ZOOM Educational Classes in NWPA ALFThe NWPA Area Labor
The NWPA Area Labor Federation is excited to be able to offer the following classes via ZOOM, as a result of our collaboration with the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services (FMCS), and commissioner Tim McNamara who is always eager to assist labor. He is coordinating these classes with the assistance of other commissioners.
- Understanding the Family Medical Leave Act on Tuesday, April 12th, 6:00-7:30 PM
- Understanding the importance and purpose of Labor-Management Committees and How to Start One on Tuesday, April 19th, 6:00-7:30 PM
If you are interested in attending any of the classes click on the title of the class and it will take you to the registration. You can join us on a computer, laptop, or phone. If you have any questions call 814-360-8336.
These classes were suggested by members at CLC meetings. We need a minimum of 10 people throughout the NWPA ALF for each class. Handouts will be sent via email before the class if possible. We share the PowerPoint presentation with the attendees after the class is completed for use as a reference.