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We are one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO and are the heart of the labor movement. We are democratically elected bodies dedicated to represent the interests of working people at the state and local level. We mobilize our members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin.
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3 days to the deadline...
Don't miss out on an opportunity for a great job as the Director of the NWPA Area Labor Federation in Franklin, PA. There are just 3 days left to get your resume and cover letter submitted for consideration.
Dear Rosann, Unionized rail workers warned of a “ticking time bomb.” They called out mass layoffs and overburdened workers. They watched in horror as safety regulations were blocked. |
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AFL-CIO News Feed
Union-Made Holiday Gift Guide
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Pittsburgh Labor Collects Busloads of Gifts for Families
One-Day Strikes Are In: The Working People Weekly List
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at Whiteboard Geeks to Form a Union with the Animation Guild (IATSE)
Worker Wins: An Inspiring Example of Solidarity
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