IAFF 1976 and Labor Celebrate tonight!

Great news! IAFF 1976 members have reason to celebrate, IAFF members across the region worked in Solidarity and were successful in defeating a referendum that would have eliminated their jobs and their union. They worked the pillars of a good program, mailings, door-to-door contacts, meetings to educate the public, yard signs, and working the polls on Election Day. At the request of the NWPA ALF other unions contacted their members who live in Greenville to assist IAFF in this effort. Everyone should be proud if they played any role in this success. Look at these numbers of the unofficial counts 697 voted NO to defeat the referendum and 122 voted YES. That reflects 85% of the members of their community that voted at the polls, support our unionized professional firefighters (IAFF 1976). That kind of approval rating is something to celebrate!