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Indiana-Armstrong Golf Outing

Bertha Cecconi
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It’s that time of year again. Time to shine up those clubs and hit the driving ranges in preparation for a full-fledged golf season. It’s also that time of year the Indiana-Armstrong Central Labor Council begins planning their 20th Annual Golf Tournament Scramble. I know many of you have participated in the past and your attendance has continued to make a world of difference in our local community through the CLC’s work. For those of you that might be considering the event for the first time, we know you will find good company among the many interested in the issues facing labor and working families in our community. 

Those that have been with us for many years will see that we have worked hard to make our 2025 golf scramble as enjoyable as in past years. The customary prizes and give-a-ways that are done at the Indiana-Armstrong CLC yearly golf scramble will be offered. Plus, the fun and camaraderie that always accompanies this event. 

The only thing missing from this upcoming event at this point is YOU!  So, please complete the attached form and submit it with your check to the Indiana-Armstrong CLC. We are looking forward to seeing you in person on Sunday, June 22, 2025, at Meadow Lane Golf Course, Indiana, PA. 

Cal Cecconi is chairing the committee organizing this event. If you have any questions, you can reach him at 724-388-0316.  Come join the fun and help us raise money for the many worthwhile causes in our community that the Indiana-Armstrong CLC supports!  All proceeds benefit the Indiana-Armstrong Central Labor Council’s General Fund and COPE Fund.