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About Us

The Northwest Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO has within its jurisdiction 8 Central Labor Councils and 1 chapter with a combined membership of 41,943 members of 256 unions in Pennsylvania. We are the heart of the labor movement.

We have democratically elected bodies dedicated to representing the interests of working people at the state and local levels. We mobilize our members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin.  

We are striving to build the labor movement through Solidarity and Activism, with your help we will succeed!

The Northwestern Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation is a key part of the nation's largest and strongest labor federation—the AFL-CIO, which unites 10.5 million working women and men of every race and ethnicity and from every walk of life.


Andrew Harkulich

Andrew Harkulich

Amy Alcorn

Amy Alcorn
