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Dec. Quarterly NWPA Area Labor Federation Meeting

December 10, 2025
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Repeating Event
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Our meetings are blended meetings that you can attend either in person or via ZOOM. The links to the ZOOM meetings are sent days before our meeting to the delegates and the alternates via email along with documents like; the minutes of the previous meeting, financial statements, and the list of correspondences at the time of the email for their review. 

Our Local Union affiliates and CLC Representatives join together and share information, as we discuss issues of importance to organized labor. Your participation is key to the effective planning of actions and events that educate our members and/or the public. We need your input. Please join us and share the information about your Union or CLC's projects, and issues or struggles. Tell us how we can help, if possible. 

Our labor movement is only powerful when we work together in Solidarity. Please join us! 

Please RSVP to [email protected]We always serve refreshments and need an accurate count for food. 

Guest Speaker/s will be announced shortly.

This meeting is preceded by a 6:00 pm E-Board Meeting.