2023 NWPA ALF Scholarship Contests and Winners

First, let us thank every student who applied for our scholarships and all of our judges who reviewed the essays and helped determine our winners. We congratulate those students for demonstrating how determined they were to obtain the necessary funding to further their education. All of the applicants have shown more initiative than most of their peers. Our judges commented that they had an extremely difficult time selecting one winner from the Essays they were judging because so many were excellent. We are proud of all of you!
We had a total of 27 (twenty-seven) essays submitted. We have three scholarships: The NWPA ALF Scholarship for a high school senior; the David A Bielski Educational Scholarship for a post-secondary student; and the Dr. David Ferster Educational Scholarship for a graduate student. Our 24( twenty-four) judges served on a panel of judges for a given Scholarship. The essays were assigned a letter and void of identification. We appreciate the judges fitting time in their busy schedules to review and judge the essays.
Andrew Harkulich our Chairman and one of our judges contacted the winners to inform them before anyone else. Out of respect, our judges were the next group to be notified who were the winners.
Our scholarship winners are as follows;
- NWPA Area Labor Federation Scholarship was won by the Letter "E", by Kaitlyn Krause whose father is a member of IBEW 459,
- David A Bielski Educational Scholarship was won by the letter "C", by Nicole Croushore whose father is a member of Iron Workers Local 3, and
- Dr. David Ferster Educational Scholarship was won by letter "B", by Hunter Meakem whose father is a member of IBEW 827.
If you know any of our winners, please congratulate them and encourage them to join us on June 28th. We reminded all of the applicants that they would be able to apply again next year. We made them aware there are two articles on our website (http://nwpaalf.paaflcio.org), about additional funding for education under the category of Scholarships & Info: "Educational Funding Opportunities" and "Additional Scholarship Links", we hope they will check them out.
Our scholarship winners were invited to join us, receive their awards, and address the delegates at our blended Wednesday, June 28th Meeting. Please attend this meeting and meet them.
We wish all of the applicants well as they go forward with their education and encourage them to apply again next year.
The winning essays will be included in the July Edition of the NWPA ALF News which will be available on our website too.