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The Northwest Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation is an AFL-CIO affilated organization that represents 8 Central Labor Councils and 1 Chapter with a combined memberships of 41,127 members of 256 unions in Pennsylvania.
The mission of the Northwest Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation is to improve the lives of working families—to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our state and the nation. To accomplish this mission, we work to:
· Build a broad movement of Pennsylvania workers by helping workers join and form unions.
· Support Pennsylvania workers as they bargain with employers to improve their living conditions and workplaces, as well as their communities, state and nation.
· Strengthen the voice of Pennsylvania working families at all levels of government and in a changing global economy.
The Northwest Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation is a key part of the nation's largest and strongest labor federation—the AFL-CIO, which unites 10.5 million working women and men of every race and ethnicity and from every walk of life.
Featured News
Members of Organized Labor in Northwestern Pennsylvania are lucky to have so many scholarship opportunities for their members, dependents, and in some cases their grandchildren. Applicants can apply for as many of the scholarships, if they meet the eligibility requirements.
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